A new KCG Team Website for a Growing Research Team

When the Kiel Centre for Globalization (KCG) was founded in October 2016, it started with a research team consisting of eight professors from different disciplines and nine postdoctoral and doctoral fellows. Over the past one and a half years, the KCG team was gradually expanded to a team which now has 31 research members in total. In addition to the 17 founding members, the team is now further strengthened by another 4 postdoctoral fellows and 10 KCG External Research Fellows. To enable an easier access to information about all KCG research members for potential knowledge exchange and cooperation, we redesigned our team website which is now available here.
While the four KCG research projects are still the core element of our research activities, the team expansion has enabled us to extend our research to deal with further aspects related to the globalization and particularly to the global supply chains. Research results can be accessed here.