Where has the rum gone? The impact of maritime piracy on trade and transport 26th October 2021 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Authors: Alexander Sandkamp, Vincent Stamer, Shuyao Yang (Review of World Economics, forthcoming) Despite a general agreement that piracy poses a significant threat to maritime shipping, empirical evidence regarding its economic consequences remains scarce. This paper combines firm-level Chinese customs data and ship position data with information on pirate attacks to investigate how exporting firms and cargo ships respond to maritime piracy[...]
KCG Seminar by Julian Hinz on Frictions to intranational investment on Sep. 21, 2021 13th September 2021 KCG Secretary News News News There has been much research evidence showing that geographical and cultural distances have played a negative role for firms’ internationalization or, more concretely, their engagement in investments abroad. Comparably less attention has been paid to the nexus between geographical and cultural distances and intranational investments. Although such geographical and cultural distances within a country are probably much smaller, this does not necessarily mean that they could not play a likewise critical role in determining firms’ intranational investments decisions and thus affecting the allocation efficiency of capital[...]
Kiel Week 2021 Presentations by KCG Researchers about Supply Chain Law, CO2 Border Adjustment and Global Coffee Trade 3rd September 2021 KCG Secretary News News News On the coming Saturday the Kiel Week 2021, in its 140th year, will officially start. The Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a founding institute of the Kiel Centre for Globalization, will again offer public presentations on various economics topics based on its current research work. There will be four such Kiel Week 2021 presentations provided by the Kiel Institute and three of them will be given by KCG researchers[...]
August 17, 2021: Seminar by Sonali Chowdhry on Firm-specific Determinants of the Invoicing Currency Choice in International Trade 16th August 2021 KCG Secretary News News News Research macroeconomic analysis by Boz et al. (2021) finds an overall stability of invoicing currency patterns in global trade and a further dominant role the US dollar in this regard. Despite the general stability of invoicing currency patterns, they find an increasing use of the Euro as invoicing currency for trade in some European and African countries[...]
Upcoming KCG Seminar by Victor Gimenez-Perales on Importer-Exporter Connections 9th August 2021 KCG Secretary News News News With the gradual liberalization trend of the international trade and with the strong technological progress in transportation, information and communication, it has been much less costly for firms to procure resources and intermediate goods needed for better prices abroad, and to sell their products globally. As a result, global value chains (GVCs) have been quickly developed and extended since the 1990s[...]
New KCG Study Investigates Impact of Exports on Innovation in China 14th June 2021 KCG Secretary News News News Economists generally agree on a connection between exports and innovation and the former fuels the latter. Several studies also report the existence of such export-driven innovation for Chinese exporters. In addition to the direct impact of exports on innovation among exporters, there is a further effect, namely an indirect or spillover effect of exports. Non-exporters can theoretically also become more innovative, when information accumulated by exporters in the same region or sector gets spilled over to the non-exporters[...]
KCG Working Paper No. 24: Exports and New Products in China – A Generalized Propensity Score Approach with Firm-to-Firm Spillovers 14th June 2021 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Autthors: Yundan Gong and Aoife Hanley Underpinning China’s technological advancement are the twin-engines of exports and innovation. To better understand China’s meteoric economic transformation, we explore the extent to which new products are triggered by exports (direct effects) and by exposure to other exporters (indirect effects)[...]
T20 Roundtable on June 4: Role of G20 for Fostering Inclusive and Sustainable Global Value Chains 1st June 2021 KCG Secretary News News News A significant share of global production takes place in global value chains (GVCs). Participating in GVCs is widely associated with economic benefits, such as productivity and employment creation, and considered one of the driving forces of growth and development worldwide[...]
KCG Seminar on Trade Impact of Different National Antidumping Legislations by Alexander Sandkamp on May 25 20th May 2021 KCG Secretary News News News In a recently published paper “Different antidumping legislations within the WTO: What can we learn from China's varying market economy status?, Prof. Dr. Alexander Sandkamp (KCG, Kiel University and Kiel Institute) and Prof. Dr. Erdal Yalcin (University of Applied Sciences Konstanz) analyse how varying national antidumping legislations within the framework of the World Trade Organization differ in their ability to reduce targeted exports[...]
Call for Papers for Conference “Sustainability in Global Value Chains” on Dec. 7, 2021 11th May 2021 KCG Secretary News News News The Kiel Centre for Globalization (KCG) and its partners will jointly organise a research conference “Sustainability in Global Value Chains” in Vienna on December 7, 2021. Professor Paola Conconi (Université Libre de Bruxelles and CEPR) will be the conference keynote speaker[...]