Counter-arguing as Barriers to Environmentally Motivated Consumption Reduction: A Multi-country Study 12th July 2019 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Wassili Lasarov, Robert Mai, Nieves Garcia de Frutos, José Manuel Ortega Egea and Stefan Hoffmann (International Journal of Research and Marketing, 2019, Vol. 36 (2), 281-305) This research extends previous literature on environmentally motivated consumption reduction (EMCR) with a cross-cultural investigation across 28 European countries. The paper elucidates how European consumers' knowledge and perceived seriousness of climate change inhibit the activation of counter-arguments, with implications for EMCR. More[…]
Cursed by No Coast: How Regional Landlockedness Affects Income within Countries 12th July 2019 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Michael Jetter, Saskia Mösle and David Stadelmann (Economics Letters, 2019, Vol. 181, 70-73) We analyze whether landlocked regions are systematically poorer, using panel data for 1,527 regions in 83 nations from 1950-2014 and exploiting within-country-time variation. Lacking ocean access decreases regional GDP[…]
Hungry Bellies Have No Ears. How and Why Hunger Inhibits Sustainable Consumption 12th July 2019 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Stefan Hoffmann, Robert Mai, Wassili Lasarov, Jan Krause and Ulrich Schmidt (Ecological Economics, Vol. 160, 96-104) While reports state that consumers are increasingly willing to consume more sustainably, no study has considered how the activation of very basic human needs, such as the state of hunger, affects sustainable food consumption. The authors expect that hungry consumers display a lower preference for sustainable food items and that this hunger-induced[…]
Nudges, Transparenz und Autonomie: eine normativ gehaltvolle Kategorisierung von Maßnahmen des Nudgings 12th July 2019 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Ludger Heidbrink and Andrea Klonschinski (Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 2018, Vol. 87(1), 15-27) The debate on the legitimacy of nudging is hampered by the absence of a clear definition of what a nudge is. Given that the attempt to limit the term “nudge” to interventions exploiting cognitive biases has not been accepted in the literature[…]
Wirtschaftsphilosophie zur Einführung 12th July 2019 KCG Secretary Books Publications Publications Publications Die Verbindung von Philosophie und Wirtschaft reicht bis in die Antike zurück. Angesichts der Bedeutung der Wirtschaft für unsere Gesellschaft sowie der Kritik an methodischen und normativen Grundannahmen der Wirtschaftswissenschaft scheint eine philosophische Reflexion der ökonomischen Theorie und Praxis heute angebracht zu sein[…]
KCG Working Paper No. 16: Foreign Direct Investment & Petty Corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Empirical Analysis at the Local Level 11th July 2019 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Julian Donaubauer, Peter Kannen and Frauke Steglich Inspired by a recent and ongoing debate about whether foreign direct investment (FDI) represents a blessing for or an impediment to economic, social, and political development in FDI host countries this paper addresses two issues[…]
KCG Researchers Joined 2019 Academy of International Business Conference in Denmark 11th July 2019 KCG Secretary News News News KCG Fellow Nils Christian Hoffmann presented his recent research work “Chain of Blame: How Eastern and Western Consumers Account for Supplier Hypocrisy in Global Supply Chains” at the 2019 Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference on June 24-27 in Copenhagen, Denmark and received valuable feedback and suggestions. The paper is a joint work with Prof. Dr. Stefan Hoffmann (Kiel University and KCG) and Prof. Juelin Yin Ph.D. (Sun Yat-Sen University and KCG). Juelin Yin joined the workshop as well[…]
KCG Working Paper No. 15: Environmental Policy and Firm Selection in the Open Economy 9th July 2019 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Udo Kreickemeier and Philipp M. Richter In this paper, we analyse the effects of a unilateral change in an emissions tax in a model of international trade with heterogeneous firms. We find a positive effect of tighter environmental policy on average productivity in the[…]
KCG Seminar on Standards and Quality of Traded Goods by Anne-Célia Disdier 4th July 2019 KCG Secretary News News News The increasing openness of more and more emerging and developing countries with large labour supply to the world economy since decades has attracted many multinational enterprises to invest in these countries to produce their products for lower costs. Some of these products have been sold in the investment host countries directly[…]
KCG Co-hosted the Consumer Social Responsibility Workshop in Kiel, Germany 2nd July 2019 KCG Secretary News News News KCG was pleased to co-host the successful workshop “Consumer Social Responsibility” on May 23 – 24. At the workshop which took place at the Science Park (Wissenschaftspark) in Kiel, Germany, senior and junior scientists from Germany and abroad presented their ongoing related projects and discussed the scientific, social and political relevance of Consumer Social Responsibility (ConSR) and its relation to the very established concept of Corporate Social Responsibility[…]