Markups of Exporters and Importers: Evidence from Hungary 1st March 2018 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Cecília Hornok and Balázs Muraközy (The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2019, Vol. 121(3), 1303-1333) This paper studies the relationship between different proxies of firm-level markups and trade status using balance sheet information linked to detailed trade data from Hungary between 1995-2003. We find that importing is strongly positively correlated with markup measures both across and within firms. We argue that this correlation can reflect three channels: self-selection, higher physical productivity resulting from access to a larger variety of inputs, and quality upgrading based on high-quality imported intermediate inputs[…]
Tweets Analysed by Julian Hinz to Quantify Language Effect on Trade 26th February 2018 KCG Secretary News News News Dr. Julian Hinz, KCG PostDoc Researcher, gave a presentation “Now We’re Talking: Quantifying the Effect of Languages on Trade with 2 billion Tweets” at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy at the beginning of February, 2018. The presentation was based on an ongoing study carried out by himself and his co-author Dr. Elsa Leromain from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)[…]
Holger Görg Joined the KAS-BKU Expert Conference “Grenzen des Handel(n)s (Limits to Trade/Action)” as a Panelist in January 15th February 2018 KCG Secretary News Public Contributions Publications Publications Publications Prof. Holger Görg, Ph.D., Managing Director of the Kiel Centre for Globalization was invited to be a panelist at the 11th KAS-BKU Expert Conference of Development and Economics on January 26-27, 2018 in Bonn. The overarching topic of the Expert Conference this year was “Grenzen des Handel(n)s (Limits to Trade/Action)”. The Conference started with opening remarks by Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel (Chairman of BKU) and Dr. Peter Fischer-Bollin (Deputy Head of the Dept. “European and International Cooperation” at KAS), followed by speeches and three panel sessions[…]
KCG Research Seminar: A Theory of Trade in a Global Production Network by Maarten Bosker 8th February 2018 KCG Secretary News News News The next KCG Research Seminar will take place in the Lecture Hall at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy on Feb. 12, 2018 (Monday). Prof. Dr. Maarten Bosker from Erasmus University Rotterdam will give a presentation based on his research paper “A Theory of Trade in a Global Production Network”[…]
Leibniz President Matthias Kleiner visited Kiel Centre for Globalization 1st February 2018 KCG Secretary News News News Prof. Dr. Matthias Kleiner, President of the Leibniz Association, visited Leibniz ScienceCampi in Kiel on Jan. 31, 2018. His visit started with two morning meetings with Prof. Dr. Sonja Peterson, Scientific Director of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, and most of the research members of the Kiel Centre for Globalization led by Prof. Holger Görg, Ph.D., KCG Managing Director. Prof. Kleiner was accompanied by Dr. Bettina Böhm (Secretary-General), Dr. Kristina Hahn (Advisor) and Dr. Felix Kießling (Advisor) for visiting KCG […]
Environmental Regulation and Sustainable Competitiveness: Evaluating the Role of Firm-Level Green Investments in the Context of the Porter Hypothesis 30th January 2018 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Jana Stoever and John P. Weche (Environmental and Resource Economics, 2018, Vol. 70(2), 429-455) We investigate the impact of environmental regulation on firm performance and investment behavior. Exploiting the case of a German water withdrawal regulation that is managed on the state level, we analyze firms’ reactions to an increase in the water tax using a regression-adjusted difference-in-differences approach. We analyze the individual firm’s response to a change in environmental regulation, distinguishing between add-on and integrated environmental investments […]
Holger Görg Gave an Interview on Globalization and World Economic Forum 2018 25th January 2018 KCG Secretary News Public Contributions Publications Publications Publications Holger Görg, Managing Director of the Kiel Centre for Globalization, gave an interview on globalization and World Economic Forum 2018, shortly before it takes place from Jan. 23 to Jan. 26. During his interview, conducted by […]
Two Postdoc Fellows Join the KCG 18th January 2018 KCG Secretary News News News Two postdoctoral researchers, Dr. Julian Hinz and Dr. Léa Marchal have joined the Kiel Centre for Globalization as research fellows from January 2018. Both researchers are currently affiliated with the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and have several years of research experience in studying different aspects of globalization.[…]
KCG’s PhD students participated in a week-long seminar on “International Trade: Monopolistic Competition and Gravity” 11th January 2018 KCG Secretary News News News In the second week of December 2017 Professor Dennis Novy from the University of Warwick, UK, visited the Kiel Institute and taught an advanced course on “International Trade: Monopolistic Competition and Gravity”. KCG’s PhD researchers Thilo Kroeger and Frauke Steglich participated in this course, which was part of the Kiel Institute’s Advanced Studies Program in International Economic Policy Research (ASP)[…]
KCG Working Paper No. 8: How Global is FDI? Evidence from the Analysis of Theil Indices 31st December 2017 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Frank Bickenbach, Wan-Hsin Liu and Peter Nunnenkamp It is open to question whether the intensified worldwide competition for FDI has reduced its traditionally strong concentration in a few large and relatively advanced host countries We calculate and decompose Theil indices to track changes in absolute and relative concentration of FDI during the period 1970-2013[…]