Export Market Exit and Financial Health in Crises Periods 19th October 2017 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Authors: Holger Görg and Marina-Eliza Spaliara (Journal of Banking & Finance, 2018, Vol. 87, 150-163) This paper uses rich firm-level data for the UK to investigate the link between firms’ financial health and export exit, paying attention to the ERM currency crisis and the global financial crisis..[…]
KCG Working Paper No. 4: Export Market Exit and Financial Health in Crises Periods 19th October 2017 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Holger Görg and Marina-Eliza Spaliara This paper uses rich firm-level data for the UK to investigate the link between firms’ financial health and export exit, paying attention to the ERM currency crisis and the global financial crisis. Our results show that deterioration in the financial position of firms has increased the hazard of export exit during the 2007-09 crisis but has no significant effect on the early 1990s crisis. We also explore the extent to which firms in financially vulnerable industries face greater sensitivity of export exit to financial conditions. We conclude that firms in sectors with great reliance on external finance experience higher hazards of exiting the export market during the 2007-09 crisis..[…]
KCG welcomes Prof. Dr. Johannes Brinkmann as External Research Fellow 19th October 2017 KCG Secretary News News News We are happy to announce that Prof. Dr. Johannes Brinkmann has recently joined the KCG as an External Research Fellow. Prof. Brinkmann is a professor of Business Ethics at the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship of the BI Norwegian Business School and adjunct professor at the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. He has extended expertise and research experience in the fields of business ethics, Socratic dialogue in ethics and teaching, comparative social science, and risk and insurance research. Prof. Brinkmann .[…]
KCG’s PhD students participated in a week-long seminar on “The Governance of Trade and Investment in a New Era of Globalization” 12th October 2017 KCG Secretary News News News During the last week of September 2017 KCG’s PhD researchers Thilo Kroeger, Finn Ole Semrau, and Frauke Steglich participated in an advanced seminar on “The Governance of Trade and Investment in a New Era of Globalization” held by Iza Lejárraga of the OECD. […]
KCG members presented the KCG at the European Researchers’ Night in the Kiel Region 5th October 2017 KCG Secretary News News News KCG PhD Researchers Guli-Sanam Karimova, Thilo Kroeger, Finn Ole Semrau, and Frauke Steglich and KCG Deputy Coordinator Cecilia Hornok presented the KCG on September 29, 2017 at the European Researchers' Night in Plön. The European Researchers' Night is aimed at bringing together individuals, entrepreneurs, and scientists to communicate research to the broader public and is open to everyone interested in science.[…]
What We Learned from the Discussions at the UNIDO/KCG Conference 28th September 2017 KCG Secretary News Public Contributions Public Contributions Public Contributions KCG managing director, Prof. Holger Görg, assessed the main lessons from the UNIDO/KCG conference in an interview article „Der Markt braucht den Staat” (Markets need the state), which appeared last week in the German daily Kieler Nachrichten. The interview addressed the question as to how global value chains can be made more sustainable and inclusive. In particular, how smaller firms in less developed countries can be successfully integrated in the global production networks and how this can be achived also for the benefit of their[…]
Scientific Advisory Board discussed progress of KCG 21st September 2017 KCG Secretary News News News The first meeting of the KCG Scientific Advisory Board took place in Kiel on the 19th of September 2017. The four board members – Timothy Devinney (Leeds University Business School), Beata S. Javorcik (Oxford University), John Martin (UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy) and Frances Ruane (Trinity College Dublin) – have been informed by KCG members about KCG’s progress in research and policy consulting activities since its start and about its future plans[…]
UNIDO/KCG Conference takes place next week 14th September 2017 KCG Secretary News News News The Conference “Developing Inclusive and Sustainable Global Value Chains in the Digital Age”, which KCG organizes jointly with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), will take place on 18-19 September 2017 in the Kieler Kaufmann Hotel[…]
Marion Jansen gives a seminar on “The Use of Economics in International Trade and Investment Disputes” 7th September 2017 KCG Secretary News News News We are happy to announce that Marion Jansen, Chief Economist of the Geneva-based International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, will give a seminar in Kiel on the 20th of September 2017. Ms Jansen will talk about issues related to international economic dispute settlements and the role economists can play in addressing them. The seminar is based on the recently published book “The Use of Economics in International Trade and Investment Disputes” (eds M. Jansen, J. Pauwelyn, T. Carpenter, Cambridge University Press, 2017). More information on the seminar can be found here.[…]
UNIDO/KCG Conference Updated Program Available Online 28th August 2017 KCG Secretary News News News The UNIDO/KCG Conference “Developing Inclusive and Sustainable Global Value Chains in the Digital Age” is going to take place on Sep. 18-19, 2017 at the Kieler Kaufmann Hotel in Kiel, Germany. About 70 participants are expected, including more than 25 international speakers from academics, politics, businesses and international organisations[…]