Africa’s Female Entrepreneurs – Underfunded or Underperforming? 23rd May 2023 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Charles Ackah, Holger Görg, Aoife Hanley and Cecília Hornok (Small Business Economics, 2024, 62:1051–1074) We explore the export performance of Africa’s underperforming female entrepreneurs, using the Ghanaian ISSER-IGC panel, a comprehensive dataset of manufacturing firms for 2011–2015. Uniquely, the data provides information about the severity of key business constraints, across both male and female entrepreneurs[...]
Podcast Interviews on Globalization, Global Value Chains and Friendshoring 11th May 2023 KCG Secretary News Public Contributions Public Contributions Public Contributions The development of the global economy faces great challenges nowadays including the US-China trade war, the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s invasion in Ukraine and the rising geopolitical tensions, just to name a few. All these lead to question the future of globalization. Against this background, Prof. Holger Görg, Ph.D. (Acting President of the Kiel Institute and Managing Director of KCG) gave two Podcast interviews, in which he discusses several key aspects of globalization, particularly of global value chains[...]
Görg warns that throwing around subsidies will not change long-term investment decisions 21st March 2023 KCG Secretary News Public Contributions Public Contributions Public Contributions Last August, United States President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), with ensuring the US’s role as the global leader in clean energy technology, manufacturing and innovation as one of its main goals. The IRA’S tax incentives and investment programs supported by massive US government subsidies may increase the attractiveness of the US to many more multinationals, including those from Europe[...]
State Aid can Produce Unintended Losers 23rd February 2023 KCG Secretary News Public Contributions Publications Publications Publications Earlier this month, the European Commission proposed to transform the State Aid Temporary Crisis Framework to facilitate the green transition in Europe. One main policy focus of the proposed Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework is to relax the strict state aid rules in the EU, in order to facilitate “the roll-out of renewable energies and to support the decarbonisation of the industry”[...]
A New Study with KCG Involvement on Trade Impact of Floods in China 8th February 2023 KCG Secretary News News News Floods can impact international trade through a variety of different channels. They can destroy crucial transport infrastructure such as roads or ports, directly reducing the capacity of a firm to export. The export capacity of a firm may also be affected by the destruction of public and private assets which are crucial for production. Established trading relationships with customers may be severed by negative flooding shocks, and supply chains for intermediate inputs and services can be affected[...]
Kiel Focus: “Germany’s Planned China Strategy Is the Wrong Approach” 26th January 2023 KCG Secretary News Public Contributions Public Contributions Public Contributions How should we engage with China? That question is currently being widely debated. Just a decade ago, the EU and China concluded the EU–China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation, which aimed at promoting a wide-ranging strategic partnership involving broad-based bilateral cooperation across a variety of areas. Although frequently modified, long-term cooperation was the foundation of bilateral relations between the partners[...]
Görg: “The Supply Chain Law has become a Bureaucracy Monster” 2nd January 2023 KCG Secretary News Public Contributions Public Contributions Public Contributions Prof. Holger Görg, Ph.D. (President of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy & Managing Director of Kiel Centre for Globalization) comments on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, which comes into force on January 1, 2023. "The Law has become a bureaucracy monster that neither promotes its acceptance among the companies affected nor has much to do with the basic idea of the Law. Companies with more than 3,000 employees currently have to slog through and answer a 400-question catalog from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control[...]
KCG Involved in a New Large-scale Research Project on Global Supply Chains 5th December 2022 KCG Secretary Further KCG Projects News News News A research team at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy led by Prof. Holger Görg, Ph.D. (Acting President at the Kiel Institute and KCG Managing Director) has received a new grant of almost three million euros from the EU’s Horizon Europe Program for a major EU research project: “Rethinking Global Supply Chains: Measurement, Impact and Policy (RETHINK-GSC)”. KCG (external) researchers, Prof. Dr. Julian Hinz, Saskia Meuchelböck and Dr. Birgit Meyer, are also involved in the project[...]
2022 Forum on Globalization and Industrialization Open for Registration 29th November 2022 KCG Secretary News News News The 2022 Forum on Globalization and Industrialization (FGI) will take place under the theme “Sustainable Supply Chains in Times of Multiple Crises” in Vienna and online on December 6, 2022. FGI 2022 will bring together key stakeholders from policy and representatives from the private sector, academia and civil society to discuss sustainability in light of the energy crisis, changes in the global economic landscape and heterogeneity in global trade regulation which governs sustainability-related issues[...]
Julian Hinz will Discuss the African Continental Free Trade Agreement at the 3D Seminar this Thursday 22nd November 2022 KCG Secretary News News News Prof. Dr. Julian Hinz (KCG, Kiel Institute and Bielefeld University) will attend the next Digital Development Dialogue (3D) Seminar on Nov. 24, 2022 to discuss the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and whether it would be a boon or bane for the continent. About three and a half years ago, AfCFTA entered into force. The agreement was often considered as an important milestone on the continent’s way towards trade liberalization[...]