Does the Belt and Road Initiative stimulate Chinese Exports? Evidence from Micro Data 25th February 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Holger Görg, Haiou Mao (The World Economy, forthcoming) This paper evaluates firms’ exporting responses to BRI and considers their heterogeneity in ownership types, product types, regional origin and trade mode. This is done by analyzing firm-product-destination level customs data from 2008 to 2016. Our empirical results show that aggregate export behavior increased significantly after BRI[...]
KCG Policy Paper on China’s Economic Transformation and Poverty Reduction 14th February 2022 KCG Secretary News News News Looking back in its forty-year reform period, China’s economy grew at an annual rate of 9.5 percent until 2018. With its strong economic growth, China turned to be an important force supporting both the development of the international trade and the global economic growth[...]
KCG Policy Paper No. 8: China’s Economic Transformation and Poverty Reduction over the Years: An Overview 14th February 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Policy Papers Policy Papers Policy Papers Authors: Maria Ana Lugo, Martin Raiser, Ruslan Yemtsov The present document examines the role of social and economic transformation in the process of poverty reduction in China. China’s economic growth and poverty reduction over the past 40 years are historically unprecedented both in speed and scale. Between 1978 and 2018 China’s economy grew at an annual rate of 9.5 percent, twice as fast as the other developing regions of the World[...]
Kiel Institute Research Seminar by Finn Ole Semrau on Firms’ Global Value Chain Positioning and Clean Production 17th January 2022 KCG Secretary News News News How to improve sustainability in global value chains (GVCs) is a key question that has been intensively addressed not only in coordinated multinational efforts like G20 but also by national policy engagement like Germany’s Supply Chain Law. Many firms and actors have been involved in GVCs to produce goods and services for the world demand. They have been responsible for specific tasks along the GVCs. Due to firms’ different GVC positions, they may be confronted with challenges to different extents while being required to improve, for example, their environmental performance to help achieve higher environmental sustainability in GVCs[...]
Görg Gave an Interview on the Impact of China’s 20-year WTO Membership and on China-Germany Economic Relations 13th January 2022 KCG Secretary News Public Contributions Public Contributions Public Contributions In late 2021, China celebrated the 20th anniversary of its WTO membership. On December 11, 2001 China became the 143rd member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) after a long-lasting negotiation process and large-scale economic reforms to fulfil the accession requirements. Through China’s WTO accession, it became – formally and institutionally – an important part of the multilateral trading system[...]
Joint Research Conference “Sustainability in Global Value Chains” will be Held on Dec. 7, 2021 3rd December 2021 KCG Secretary News News News As an associated event of the Forum on Globalization and Industrialization “Rewiring Global Production Networks for Sustainability”, the online research conference “Sustainability in Global Value Chains (GVCs)” will be held on December 7, 2021, in cooperation with the Kiel Centre for Globalization (KCG)[...]
FGI 2021 on Global Production Networks for Sustainability on Dec. 6, 2021: Open for Registration 30th November 2021 KCG Secretary News News News The COVID-19 pandemic has strongly impacted global production networks. It has brought to the forefront a sense of urgency for governments and internationally operating enterprises to re-evaluate their approaches towards ensuring resilience and sustainability in their supply chains. At the same time it offers a unique opportunity to re-think established approaches, to embrace sustainability as a core value creator, and to link long-term recovery strategies to the guiding principles and objectives of the UN Agenda 2030[...]
China’s Investments in Germany and the Role of COVID-19 Pandemic 19th November 2021 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Xinming Xia, Wan-Hsin Liu (Intereconomics, 2021, 56(2): 113–119) This paper analyses how China’s investments in Germany have developed over time and the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in this regard, based on four different datasets, including our own survey in mid-2020. Our analysis shows that Germany is currently one of the most attractive investment destinations for Chinese investors.
The trade effects of antidumping duties: Evidence from the 2004 EU enlargement 19th November 2021 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Author: Alexander Sandkamp (Journal of International Economics, 2020, Vol. 123, Article: 103307) This paper exploits the 2004 EU enlargement as a natural experiment to estimate the effects of antidumping (AD) duties on import prices and quantities. The automatic extension of EU AD policy to new member states following their accession is exogenous to new members' trade shocks. Using this source of variation, the paper shows that, on average, AD duties raise producer prices of targeted exporters[...]
The Social Cost of Contacts: Theory and Evidence for the first wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany 19th November 2021 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Martin F. Quaas, Jasper N. Meya, Hanna Schenk, Björn Bos, Moritz A. Drupp, Till Requate (PLoS ONE, 2021, 16(3): e0248288) Building on the epidemiological SIR model, we present an economic model with heterogeneous individuals deriving utility from social contacts creating infection risks. Focusing on social distancing of individuals susceptible to an infection we theoretically characterize the gap between private and social cost of contacts[...]