Where has the rum gone? The Impact of Maritime Piracy on Trade and Transport 8th March 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Alexander Sandkamp, Vincent Stamer, Shuyao Yang (Review of World Economics, 2022, 158: 751–778) Despite a general agreement that piracy poses a significant threat to maritime shipping, empirical evidence regarding its economic consequences remains scarce. This paper combines firm-level Chinese customs data and ship position data with information on pirate attacks to investigate how exporting firms and cargo ships respond to maritime piracy.
Economic and Environmental Benefits from International Co-ordination on Carbon Pricing: A Review of Economic Modelling Studies 8th March 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Sneha Thube, Sonja Peterson, Daniel Nachtigall, Jane Ellis (Environmental Research Letters, 2012, 16(11): 113002) This paper reviews quantitative estimates of the economic and environmental benefits from different forms of international co-ordination on carbon pricing based on economic modelling studies. Forms of international co-ordination include: harmonising carbon prices (e.g. through linking carbon markets), extending the coverage of pricing schemes, phasing out fossil fuel subsidies, developing international sectoral agreements, and establishing co-ordination mechanisms to mitigate carbon leakage[...]
Integrating Carbon Dioxide Removal into European Emissions Trading 8th March 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Wilfried Rickels, Alexander Proelß, Oliver Geden, Julian Burhenne, Mathias Fridahl (Frontiers in Climate, 2021, 3: 690023) In one of the central scenarios for meeting an European Union-wide net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions target by 2050, the emissions cap in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) becomes net negative. Despite this ambition, no mechanism allows for the inclusion of CO2 removal credits (CRCs) in the EU ETS to date[...]
Implications of Temperature Overshoot Dynamics for Climate and Carbon Dioxide Removal Policies in the DICE Model 8th March 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Wilfried Rickels, Jörg Schwinger (Environmental Research Letters, 2021, 16(10): 104042) Assessing climate policies that involve temporary overshoot of temperature targets requires an accurate representation of carbon cycle and climate dynamics. Here, we compare temperature overshoot climate policies obtained with the dynamic integrated climate–economy (DICE) integrated assessment model using two different climate-carbon cycle sub-models: first, the original DICE implementation, and second an implementation of the finite amplitude impulse response (FaIR) simple climate model[...]
The Backfire Effect of Sustainable Social Cues. New Evidence on Social Moral Licensing 8th March 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: WassiliLasarov, RobertMai, StefanHoffmann (Ecological Economics, 2022, 195 : 107376) To encourage individuals to consume sustainably, managers and policymakers often highlight positive examples that others have set regarding sustainable consumer behavior (e.g., donations to a good cause). This study shows that under certain circumstances, this strategy provokes a paradoxical effect such that consumers deliberately deviate from these positive examples[...]
Vanishing Boycott Impetus: Why and How Consumer Participation in a Boycott Decreases Over Time 8th March 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Wassili Lasarov, Stefan Hoffmann, Ulrich Orth (Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming) Media reports that a company behaves in a socially nonresponsible manner frequently result in consumer participation in a boycott. As time goes by, however, the number of consumers participating in the boycott starts dwindling. Yet, little is known on why individual participation in a boycott declines and what type of consumer is more likely to stop boycotting earlier rather than later. Integrating research on drivers of individual boycott participation with multi-stage models and the hot/cool cognition system, suggests a “heat-up” phase in which boycott participation is fueled by expressive drivers, and a “cool-down” phase in which instrumental drivers become more influential[...]
When Drivers Become Inhibitors of Organic Consumption: The Need for a Multistage View 7th March 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Robert Mai, Stefan Hoffmann, Ingo Balderjahn (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2021, 49: 1151–1174) The organic market is characterized by remarkable disparities, and confusion persists about which motives drive organic consumption. To understand them, this research introduces the idea that the same consumer motives can exert different and potentially opposite impacts when organic consumption patterns unfold[...]
Stepping up to the Mark? Firms’ Export Activity and Environmental Innovation in 14 European Countries 7th March 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Aoife Hanley, Finn Ole Semrau (Industry and Innovation, forthcoming) We investigate the ability of exports to trigger the adoption of environmental innovation (EI) in firms, shedding light on the determinants of convergence in environmental standards for Europe’s catch-up economies. To analyse this question empirically, we measure the latter as the 1) probability a firm adopts EI and the 2) breadth of EI adoption in firms[...]
Low-carbon Power Technologies and the Stability of International Climate Cooperation 7th March 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Vicki Duscha, Jan Kersting, Sonja Peterson, Joachim Schleich, Matthias Weitzel (Climate Change Economics, 2021,12(4): 2150013) This paper explores the effects of the technological development of key low-carbon power technologies (photovoltaic (PV), wind, and carbon capture and storage (CCS)) on the stability of global climate cooperation under several assumptions about climate-related damage[...]
Climate policies after Paris: Pledge, Trade and Recycle: Insights from the 36th Energy Modeling Forum Study (EMF36) 7th March 2022 KCG Secretary KCG Journal Articles Publications Authors: Christoph Böhringer, Sonja Peterson, Thomas F. Rutherford, Jan Schneider, Malte Winkler (Energy Economics, 2021, 103: 105471) This article summarizes insights from the 36th Energy Modeling Forum study (EMF36) on the magnitude and distribution of economic adjustment costs of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Under the Paris Agreement, countries have committed to emission reduction targets – so-called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – in order to combat global warming[...]