KCG Journal Articles
21st February 2019
KCG Secretary
31st January 2019
KCG Secretary
24th October 2018
KCG Secretary
11th September 2018
KCG Secretary
30th August 2018
KCG Secretary
19th June 2018
KCG Secretary
15th June 2018
KCG Secretary
Authors: Theordore Moran, Holger Görg, Adnan Seric and Christiane Krieger-Boden (Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, Vol. 12 (2018-26), 1-9)
While popular opinion often pictures FDI flowing in search of lowest-wage, lowest-skilled activities in emerging markets, actual FDI to such countries increasingly addresses medium to high-skilled manufacturing sectors. Such FDI might be called “Quality FDI” that contributes to the creation of decent and value-adding jobs, enhancing the skill base of host economies, facilitating transfer of technology, knowledge and know-how, boosting competitiveness of domestic firms and enabling their access to world-wide markets[…]
3rd May 2018
KCG Secretary
5th April 2018
KCG Secretary
1st March 2018
KCG Secretary
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