KCG Kick-off Meeting Held on December 9th, 2016
The Kiel Centre for Globalization (KCG) is a joint initiative of Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel and Kiel Institute for the World Economy. Its interdisciplinary research team currently works on four interrelated research projects to investigate various selected aspects of global supply chains (https://www.kcg-kiel.org/research/). To facilitate efficient and effective knowledge exchange, the research team plans to regularly meet each other to share their research results and insights right from the start of the KCG. The first meeting of this kind was successfully held on Dec. 9, 2016 at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. Almost all KCG researchers joined the Kick-off Meeting to present their research progress so far and their research plan for the next 1-2 years. The vivid discussions on site built an essential base for more intensified and efficient cooperation with each other in the future.